- 論文の詳細を見る
Two experiments were conducted to investigate the response set characteristics and sex differences in immediate recall errors of isometric force information. The dependent variables were the percent constant error (PCE) which indicates the tendency to overshoot or undershoot the criterion force (response set), percent absolute error (PAE) which provides a measure of overall recall accuracy, and the relative difference limen (DL) which provides a measure of recall consistency. Subjects were 18 male and 18 female undergraduate students in experiment 1 and 14 ma1e undergraduate students in experiment 2. The criterion forces were 3 kg, 7 kg,1lkg, 15kg, 19kg and 23kg in experiment 1 and 7kg, 23kg and 27kg in experiment 2. The results are summarized as follows: 1) It was found that the DL dropped off markedly and significantly between 3 and 7kg, and that it became relatively constant at about 0.05 beyond 11kg. It was also found that the Sex difference was not significant with the DL. 2) The results of the PCE analyses showed that the males tended to overshoot all criterion forces (overshooting response set) in both experiments, while the PCE decreased as the criterion force increased. It was also found that the females showed smaller PCE than the male consistently, while the slope of PCE curve was very similar between the males and females, and that the females tended to undershoot the criterion force of 23kg (central tendency). 3) The results of the PAE analyses revealed that the females were significantly superior to the males on recall accuracy.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
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