うんてい遊びが捉まり移動能力と能動および受動握力に及ぼす効果について : 高学年児童の実践から
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to investigate moving ability on hanging-ladders, active and passive grip strength in higher-grade elementary school children(grade 5) through long-term playing on HANGING LADDERS. Sixty-two children(mean age;10.1yrs) were assigned into two groups, a training group(male;N=18, female;N=13) and a control group(male;N=18, female;N=13). The children in the training group were required to play on the hanging-ladder for 5 to 10 minutes 5 days per week for 6 months. At the end of this playing period, 66.7% of the boys in the training group successded in crossing the hanging-ladder as compared to 50.0% before the study period started, and 61.5% of the girls succeeded as compared to 30.8%. However, these results represnt a lower ratio than in previous studies in 1st.and 4th.grade children. In the training group, the crossing time of those who succeeded shortened significantly in both boys and girls until the 1st.month. The successful children showed significant passive grip strength during the playing period. However, both the boys and girls of the training group(except for the successful group) showed no significant difference in active and passive grip strength between before and after the study period.
- 2001-10-01
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