日本アヘン帝国主義の展開と戦争継続の必然性 : キャッチ・アップ・モデルによる比較研究
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1. Conventional opium eradication policy of Japan has so far maintained until the Taiwan's cessension in 1895. I try in this article to investigate the changing development from the status quo to the opium-emperialism, which no body could imagine previously, chiefly due to the catch-up disadvantages theory, damaging the backward economy like the Japan's capitalism. Explaining the trajectory as fallows: 2.(1) Strict opium eradications to the concession policy in Taiwan for opium eraddictors, changed implicitly to revenue target. (2) Taiwan office's current-account deficits and incerasing capital-account debts enforced the office to make the enclave in China, inter alia, during the World War II. (3) Japanese militalism invaded into Manchuria and constructed the puppet state. However, building a govement finance, which was difficults in recovery, resulted in failures because of the state's paper-mony's falling credit extremely. On the contrary, instead, opiums were used as money tself. At the moment, opium certainly exceld state's money in credit-loss. (4) Opium supplied military funds for fighting invasians, which, in turn, enforced them on opium gathering and smuggling for dominant expansions, endless successively for war and by war, alternatively
- 2005-07-29
- 日本アヘン帝国主義の展開と戦争継続の必然性 : キャッチ・アップ・モデルによる比較研究
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