文型学習の心理学的研究:II : 呈示の仕方による差異
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Object : The purpose of this research to be described is to compare which is more effective acoustically the method of presentating English sentences only, or English sentences followed by Japanese sentence, and also to compare which trials are more effective for retention, five times or ten times. Procedure : The experiment has been administered to, 382 subjects in junior high school, 426 in senior high school and 742 in a women's junior college from September to December in 1966. The materials which are used for this experiment are a series of English sentence based of sentence patterns by Hornby and Fries which are composed of the same number of syllables, difficulty, frequencies and words. The order of presentation in experiment are as the following : (1) Hornby^1-Fries^1 consists of to trials of Hornby and Fries sentence patterns in English and Japanese. (2) Hornby^2-Fries^2 consists of 10 trials of Hornby and Fries sentence patterns in English. (3) Hornby^3-Fries^3 consists of 5 trials of Hornby and Fries sentence patterns in English and Japanese. (4) Hornby^4-Fries^4 consists of 5 trials of Hornby and Fries sentence patterns in English. The subjects for this experiment are assigned eaually to four experimental conditions with no significant difference on the bases of the result of value analysis. Results : In the comparison between English sentences and English japanese sentences on effective learning, significant difference is observed in the score of English Japanese sentences for the junior high school student in 10 trials of Hornby sentences, Concerning sex difference, boys are superior to girls with significant difference at a 1% level for the English japanese sentence group. Concerning boys and girls, the Hornby pattern English Japanese sentence group is superior to English sentence group on a 1% level significant difference. For the boys in high school, English Japanese sentences are more effective than English sentences on 0.1% significant difference level in 10 trials of Hornby sentence patterns. For both boys and girls, a significant difference of a 0.1% level is ovserved for the English Japanese sentences. For the Fries sentence patterns a significant difference is observed at 2% level in English-Japanese senteces. As for the difference in difficulties, English Japanese sentences are superior to English sentences on a 0.1% significant difference level for the senior high school students in production of Hornby sentence patterns. Concerning the most difficult sentence patterns, English-Japanese. sentence are more effective than English sentences. For the junior high school students, a significant difference is observed at a 1% level of 0.5% level in English Japanese sentence compared with English sentences as a result of the χ^2 test. In the case of 5 trials, significant differences are observed at a 5% level in English Japanese sentences compared with English sentences. In summary, for the Hornby patterns, a significant difference is observed more in high difficulties than low difficulties. However for the Fries sentence patterns, significant difference has not been observed in the highest and middle difficulties on 10 trials. But with 5 trials, the English Japanes sentences are observed significantly better than English sentence at a 0.5% level in the highest difficulties with 5 trials. In conclusion English-Japanese sentences are significantly more effective than English sentences. (5) In the comparison of retention between English Japanese sentences in the case of the Hornby sentence patterns, English Japanese sentences are recognized better than English sentences. In the case of the Fries sentence patterns differences are not recognized between English Japanese sentences and English sentences. (6) In order to investigate the degree of difficulties between Hornby and Fries sentence patterns, both of them have a high correlation concerning difficulties.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1968-09-30
- 2 学習・思考 : c 教科学習(日本教育心理学会第9回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 3 学習心理 : c 教科学習(日本教育心理学会第8回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 人格(332〜335)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 教授・学習3(617〜626)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 4 学習(1)(日本教育心理学会第11回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 200 認知と学習(251〜9)(日本教育心理学会第12回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 家庭内暴力と学校内暴力(001〜006)(特定テーマ)
- 003 立ち直った家庭内暴力時の事例(家庭内暴力と学校内暴力,特定テーマ)
- 218 文型学習に関する心理学的研究(その2) : 英語学習の心理学的研究(31)(教科学習,2.学習・思考)
- 324 文型学習法の比較実験 : 英語学習の教育心理学的研究(c.教科学習,3.学習心理)
- 人格4(430〜438)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 437 性格(EPPS)と練習効果の転移を中心に(人格4,人格)
- 334 欲求(EPPS検査)と色彩嗜好について(人格3-5,300 人格)
- 419 文章把持についての分析的研究(学習)
- 文型学習の心理学的研究:III : 呈示の仕方による差異
- 259 文章再生についての文法的要因について(その3) : 日英比較を中心として(200 認知と学習)
- 10 文型学習についての研究(その3) : 呈示の仕方による差異(4.学習)
- 学習1
- 文型学習の心理学的研究:II : 呈示の仕方による差異
- 213 制限連想反応語の比較研究 : 日・英・独を中心として(2.学習)
- 文型学習に関する心理学的研究1 : 呈示のしかたによる差異
- 2 発達心理 : g 青年I(日本教育心理学会第8回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 264 児童,青年の生活意識 : 日米Cross-Cultureの研究を中心に(2.発達心理)
- 628 副詞の訳語研究 : 中学校text "New Approach to English"にあらわれた(17.教科・教授過程(3),日本教育心理学会第5回総会部門別研究発表要旨・討論の概要)