- 論文の詳細を見る
Correspondences and correlations between early language development and the manipulation of objects and play development were examined through a longitudinal study of four children. Significant positive correlations were found between number of different words and the percentage of occurence of pretend self-play, pretend other-play and the total of symbolic play. The emergence of the first word corresponded to the onset of functional-relational manipulation and container-relational manipulation. The emergence of used referential word corresponded to the onset of enactive naming acts. The emergence of demonstrative words (for example, this, here) corresponded to the onset of substitution play. Word-chains of interjection and independent words emerged three weeks after the onset of combinatorial symbolic play. Word-chains of two independent words emerged three weeks before the onset of combinatorial symbolic play with two combined themes. Language, and the manipulation of objects and play both reflected the development of underlying symbolic ability, developing in parallel at the single-word stage. After the emergence of word-chains, they developed interdependently.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1988-03-30
- 英語圏における障害児の親をめぐる問題 : その文献展望(2)
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- ダウン症児における言語と遊びの関係
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- 初期言語発達インベントリー信頼性の検討
- 237 初期言語発達に関する調査(I)(乳幼児の言語・行動発達,発達7,口頭発表)
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- 322 初期言語発達に関する研究(III) : 一語発話と認知及び模倣の関係について(発達16,研究発表)
- 331 初期言語発達に関する研究(II) : 前言語伝達から言語伝達へ(前言語行動,発達)
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- 初期言語発達と認知発達の関係
- 幼児の構音における代置の誤りと,その改善過程の分析
- The Relationship between Gestural and Vocal Symbols. From Parental Reports in Language Delayed Children.
- The Relationship between Early Language Development and Cognitive Development in the Children with Autistic Disorder.