痙直型脳性麻痺児における構成障害 : 認知的側面からの検討
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The purpose of this study was to examine whether the constructional disorders in spastic children were caused by disorders in their cognitive aspect. Tasks of visual analysis-synthesis and construction were given to 31 spastic children aged from 7 to 9 years and 31 normal children of the same ages. In the former task, the subjects were asked to choose 2, 3 or 4 components of simple geometrical figures from among 6 pieces. In the latter task, the subjects were asked to reconstruct the same figures divided into 2 or 4 components. The results obtained were as follows: 1)Performances of spastic children were significantly inferior to those of normal children in the task of visual analysis-synthesis; 2)The significant differences of performances with ages in the task of visual analysis-synthesis were not found on both normal and spastic children; 3)Performances of spastic children were significantly inferior to those of normal children in the task of construction; 4)The significant differences of performances with ages in the task of construction were not found on both normal and spastic children; 5)All subjects were aware of a dispartiy between model and figure they had reconstructed, when they had failed to reconstruct; 6)Erroneous constructional patterns peculiar to spastic children were "rotation" and "partial construction"; 7)Both normal and spastic children who acquired the higher level of performances in the task of construction showed the higher performances in the task of visual analysis-synthesis. The results of 1, 3 and 7 show that spastic children are at low functional level in visual analysis-synthesis, as well as in construction, and that there is some functional association between visual analysis-synthesis and construction. Therefore, it seems that these results suggest the possibility that low functional levels of spastic children in visual analysis-synthesis participate in their constructional difficulties. This is supported by the fact that partial construction which is an erroneous pattern exists only in spastic children, because it seems that its pattern comes from defects in ability to visually analyze and synthesize. On the other hand, the result in 5 shows that spastic children have a certain ability to visually discriminate. Thus, it may be suggested that the constructional disorders of spastic children can be caused by their disorders in a higher function of visual perception(that is, function to visually analyze and synthesize), i.e.their disorders in cognitive aspect. Concerning the results in 2 and 4, a more dereloped study is proved to be necessary.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1984-12-30