教授学習過程の研究 : 教師・児童間の発言関連の類型
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Aim : The aim of the following study is to find out the patterns of utterance relation among teacher (T) and children (C). Classsification of utterance Utterance relation is classified by combination of a teacher's utterance and children's utterance. 1. A teacher's utterance is classified into the three types, 'weak', 'medium', and 'strong', based on the strength of his 'Lead'. 1.1. Lead:weak-T understands C's utterance and behavior and accepts them. 1.1.1. Silence:T doesn't utter. 1.1.2. Acceptance : T accepts C's utterance and behavior without any criticism, in consideration of C's thought and feelings. 1.1.3. Clarification : T clarifies the meaning of C's utterance, by adding his comments. 1.2. Lead : medium-T tries to talk C into doing the action, though the direction of C's action can be chosen by C. 1.2.1. Praise, Encouragement : T approves of a direction of C's own choi ce and encourages C to act in that direction. 1.2.2. Broad Question : T asks C to write down their opinions concerning the causes of an incident, how to solve questions. 1.3. Lead : strong-T directs C's attention toward a specific direction and makes them act and think toward the direction. 1.3.1. Narrow Question : T asks elective questions, questions for confirmation, and questions for reproducing memory. 1.3.2. Information : T shows the teaching material by a story-telling, opinions and AV aids. 1.3.3. Requests and Commands : T gives request sand commands to read the teaching material, to solve problems, etc. 1.3.4. Criticism : T criticizes and rejects C's ideas, behavior or feelings. 1.4. Others : Utterance not included in the above classification is classified in Others. 2. C's utterance is classified into the three types by strength of spontaneity. 2.1. Spontaneity : weak 2.1.1. Silence : C don't utter. 2.1.2. Simple Answer : C answer in a simple way, induced by T's or C's questions. 2.2. Spontaneity : medium-C answer in detail, induced by T's or C's questions. 2.3. Spontaneity : strong-C take positive part in the process of teaching-learning. Questions and answers begin, continue and develop by C. 2.3.1. Spontaneous Utterance : C explain, adding thin own opinion different from other children's and expression not found in the teaching material. 2.3.2. Questions, Requests, Nomination : C ask T or other children questions, requests, and have other children to answer. 2.4. Others : Utterance which is not included in the above classification is classified in Others. Method of Analysis The recorded narrative in instruction is divided into segments. Each of these segments is classified from the points of topics, changing of problems, C's activity, etc. Each segment of utterance is classified into types described above and the patterns of utterance relation are extracted. Results The results of analyzing 62 pieces of instruction for children are as follows. 1. Lecture Type (T:strong, C:weak) There's a lot of talk by T. T's narrow questions and C's simple answers are included several times. 2. Narrow Question Type (T:strong, C:weak) T's narrow questions and C's simple answers and T's clarification are repsated. 3. Broad Question Type (T:medium, C:medium) C's answers in detail to T's broad questionsand T's clarifications are repeated. 4. Chairmanship Type (T:medium, C:medium) T asks broad questions and has C to answer them by calling C's name. This type is different from Broad Question Type:T doesn't add clarification or explanation after having listened to C's opinion. 5. Controlled Discussion Type (T:medium, C:strong) T gives a subject for discussion and C discuss it. T decides the subject and makes a summary of it and explains the pattern for discussion and controls it. 6. Acceptance Type (T:weak, C:strong) T approves of C's thought and feellngs. C freely talk of their own thought. 7. Discussion Type (T:weak,C:strong) C discuss their subject spontaneoualy. T or C choose the subject to discuss.
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