- 論文の詳細を見る
The purposes of this investigation were to construct scales to measure achievement-related motives and to find out the factorial structure among achievement-related motives measured by means of these scales. Two hundred and ninety-nine university students (213 males and 86 females) of an introductory psychology course served as subjects. Subjects were askedt of fill out 64 items to be answered "Yes" or "No". These items were designed to assess the motive to achieve (Ms), the motive to avoid failure (M-_f), and the motive to avoid success (M-s). In order to select items for each scale and to determine the weighted scores for alternative response, the method of optimal scaling was applied to the data of subjects' response pattern. This scaling was a quantification techique for categorical data and was to assign numerical values to alternatives. The values were chosen so that the variance between subjects after scaling was maximum with respect to variance within subjects. Eight scales made of 5 items respectively were obtained. Four of these scales were related to Ms (HS Scale I measured an instrumental activity in achievement situation ; HS Scale II measured a hope of success; HS Scale III measured a reductive attitude to achievement tension; HS Scale IV measured an excessive self-confidence). Two scales were related to M-_f (FF Scale I measured a debilitating test anxiety; FF Scale II measured a facilitating test anxiety). The other two scales were related to M-s (FS Scale I measured a fear of loss of affiliation; FS Seale II measured a denying attitude for attaining success). There was a significant sex difference on the mean score of HS Scale II, but no significant sex difference recorded on FS Scale I and FS Scale II. Four factors were extracted by the principal component analysis from the correlation coefficients among 8 scale values, and the factors were rotated to orthogonal simple structure using the normalized varimax criterion. The extrfour acted bipolar factors accounted for 71% of the total variance. Factor I had positive high loading for FS Scale I and negative high loading for HS Scale IV. This factor could be defined as the human relation on achievement-oriented situation. Factor II had positive high loading for HS Scale I and negative high loading for HS Scale III. It seemed appropriate to refer to this factor as the positive versus negative activity of achievement-oriented tendency with the motive to achieve. Factor III had positive high loading for FS Scale II and negative high loading for HS Scale II. This factor could be defined as the positive versus negative attitude for attaining success. Factor IV had positive high loading for FF Scale II and negative high loading for FF Scale I. It seemed appropriate to refer to this factor as the positive versus negative direction of achievement-oriented tendency with the motive to avoid failure.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1980-12-30
- 知識の獲得と体制化に関する発達的研究(V) : 思考構造テストの縦断的分析
- 知識の獲得と体制化に関する発達的研究VIII, IX, X
- 知識の獲得と体制化に関する発達的研究(II) : 「産業革命」を通してみた社会科的概念形成の検討
- 4つの達成目標と学業遂行、努力の関連性
- PB37 援助要請行動の研究
- PB31 接近と回避の目標志向性と学業遂行との関連性について
- Individualistic and Collectivistic Need for Achievement in JapaneseStudents
- 400 人間形成と人格測定(411〜8)(日本教育心理学会第12回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 知識の獲得と体制化に関する発達的研究(III) : 「所有」を通してみた社会科的概念の形成について
- 人格5(430〜436)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概念)
- 436 攻撃動機と養育態度(3)(親子関係,人格)
- 435 攻撃動機と養育態度(2)(親子関係,人格)
- 想像物語にみられる達成動機づけの実験的喚起の効果
- 単純作業での成功確率に伴う遂行変化と達成に関連した動機との関係
- 416 児童・生徒の不安の比較発達的研究(1)(400 人間形成と人格測定)
- 411 達成動機の研究(VIII) : 日本児童を対象とする達成動機測定図版の作成と検討(400 人間形成と人格測定)
- 9 知識の獲得と体制化に関する発達的研究VII : 幼児の「所有」概念について(5.思考)
- 8 知識の獲得と体制化に関する発達的研究VI : 思考構造テストの因子分析的検討(5.思考)
- 7 知識の獲得と体制化に関する発達的研究V : 思考構造テストの再検査による発達的変化について(5.思考)
- 5 思考(2)(日本教育心理学会第11回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 中断作業法における選択的再生の現象について
- 達成動機づけの発達(自主シンポジウム)
- PF037 動機づけ的要因とスポーツに対する練習態度の関連(ポスター発表F,研究発表)
- 課題特定自己評価と動機づけ的要因の関係
- PD34 知覚された統制の信念に対する自律性の効果
- PC27 英語学習における動機づけと自己調整学習の関連
- 学習環境の知覚が自己調整学習に及ぼす影響
- PE36 失敗経験がもたらす自尊感情への影響
- PB34 教師と親の態度が知覚された生徒の信念・学習方略に及ぼす影響
- PG26 知覚された信念が自己調整学習におよぼす影響について
- 認知・行為・モデルの共分散構造分析 : 援助行動の判断の帰着的分析
- 日本と中国の大学生の達成関連動機と仕事に対する態度の比較研究
- 434 達成動機の研究(XXI) : 因果帰着と感情・期待の関連(人格4,人格)
- 達成関連動機の測定尺度の分析
- 538 達成動機の研究(XV) : その2, Heckhausen法7カテゴリーの因子的構造(人格5,研究発表)
- 537 達成動機の研究(XV) : その1, Heckhausen法の検討(人格5,研究発表)
- 教室の目標構造の知覚,個人の達成目標志向,学習方略の関連性