記憶過程におけるコミュニケーションの役割 : 個人再生と共同再生の比較研究
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This experiment aimed at investigating the role of communication in the memory process. For this purpose, cooperative recall was compared with individual recall, The results were : 1) In the cooperative recall after an individual recall, facilitating effect was found. (Exp. I) 2) Cooperative recall was superior to individual recall. The difference was found in the former part of learning process and in the latter part of a memorized poem. (Exp. II) 3) In cooperative recall the focus strategy was shown. The focus strategy meant that problem points (focuses) were found through communication, and then solved through cooperative searching. Therefore, in cooperative recall it became clear that memory process, communication process and cognitive process were combined.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1980-06-30
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- 記憶過程におけるコミュニケーションの役割 : 個人再生と共同再生の比較研究