- 論文の詳細を見る
An 18 month follow-up observation was made on 10 normal children (ages 2 : 7-4 : O at the beginning of follow-up), and 30 debile children (.ages then 6 : O-12 : O). Figures used are : Vertical line, Horizontal line. Oblique line (inclined at 45 degree), Greek cro.ss, X-shape (St. Andrew's cross), Square, Tilted square (standing on one of its apex), and Diamond. Children were to draw them, compose theril with sticks, and represent them by dotting ends or corner points. Results and discussions. (1) It was assumed from preparatory observations and children's conLessions that they perceived the figures correctly enough, but they met difiiculties in composing or arranging lines to make the figure after a model. In other words, they were not agnostical, but apraxical. For example, a 2 : 6 child, who could draw oblique lirles in his spontaneous drawing, was puzzled with. an oblique line as model. He laboured to represent it with vertical orhorizontal lines, or with some curved lines, saying "I cannot do it." This constructive power seemed much more to do with general intellectual development, rather than with manual dexterity. But we discussed a case with some symptoms of developmental agraphia and constructive apraxia, showing selective defects in dealing with letters and geometrical figures. In such a case the special deficiency did not tell his general ability level. Such special deficiericies have been reported as the mark of"brain damage".'But we have on the other hand a motor aphasic case which shows selective defect in language activities, not in perceiving or constructing visual figures. Moreover, in dealing with visual figures, defect of perception and that of construction do not always go: together. Symptoms of "brain damage" should be observed in a more integrated vision of clinical study on aphasic, apractic, agnostic cases.
- 日本教育心理学会の論文
- 1970-03-31
- 教授・学習6(651〜659)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 学習(518〜522)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 教授・学習8
- 情緒障害・行動問題B(情緒障害・行動問題,日本特殊教育学会第26回大会研究発表)
- 203 愛着行動と模倣行動の相違について(発達1,発達)
- 651 精神発達と学習経験(教授・学習6,教授・学習)
- 768 「いくつ多いか」の理解の発達と学習 : 継続報告のまとめ(教授・学習8,研究発表)
- 発達
- 209 「いくつ多いか」の判断の獲得 : 続報として(発達)
- 1.提案者のレジュメ : 視点をもっと個々の事例へ(テストと教育)
- 520 学習と発達に関するひとつの観察 : 続報として
- 視点をもっと個々の事例へ(テストと教育)
- 臨床・治療・障害
- 825 知能遅滞児と普通児の学習能力の比較(800 臨床・治療・障害)
- 図形模写能力の発達に関する一考察