保全生態学的研究を活かした環境教育の実践 : 世界最南限のイワナ個体群"キリクチ"を題材として
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Recently, the introduction of conservation biology in conservation education has been desired for the practical conservation of the biological diversity. As a part of the conservation biology of Kirikuchi charr Salvelinus leucomaenis japonicus, the southernmost population of genus Salvelinus, we have initiated this education program for primary school children in the region. The proposal of education using Kirikuchi charr originated from a conference held between our research body, the fisheries cooperative, and the board of education in the region. As the first step of our education programs, we aimed at developing the interest of the children in Kirikuchi charr and/or the nature of the region. In order to achieve this aim, we conducted the education program, which had a high weightage attached to the experiences of the children; for example, the children were permitted to feel and observe the investigation tools and were made to view a video of Kirikuchi charr swimming in the river. It is considered that the aim of the program could be achieved because of the feedback from the children in terms of humorous, yet interesting questions and comments. With regard to the future, we will gradually have to continue the education programs for appropriate purposes. Hereafter, conservation ecology will play an increasingly important and indispensable role in conservation education.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 2005-06-30
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