石灰岩地帯の植物群落の組成的特徴 : 伊吹山の場合
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1. To analyse the heterogeneity of any vegetation to establish some homogeneous plant communities, as GOODALL suggested in 1953,it may be possible by stochastical estimation of the correlation between any two species in the vegetation, which is drawn from 2×2 table treatments of the statistics. Modifying GOODALL's method. the writer tried to judge the degree of correlation between any two quadrats among those diffused in the plant community to be examined, which is drawn also from 2×2 table like Table 3. Thus, the community may be grouped into some more homogenous one. 2. The slope of Mt. Ibuki, 1377 m above sealevel in central Japan ; consists of two geologically different fields, limestone and sandstone, contacting with each other at about 900m alt. Here there were selected ten quadrats, 7×7m in size, on a line separated by a distance of ten meters, five in the limestone area and the rest in the sandstone one. In September 1957,the components of the vascular plants in each quadrat (Tables 1 and 2) were investigated. 3. As the result of comparison by x^2-test of floristic components of any two quadrats, it was found that five quadrats in the limestone area and the rest in the sandstone area positively correlated with one another, while the negative or no significant correlation was found between those two groups of quadrats (Table 4). In such case, the writer considers that the community should be subdivided. This is an objective evidence that the flora of calcareous areas and that of siliceous ones are quite distinguishable from one another. 4. On the other hand, the values of ELLENBERG's "Prasenz-Gemeinschafts-Koeffizienten" indicate that the quadrat No. 5 which is richest in flora may be taken as the standard one. They attain over 50 per cent in the calcareous area, and 25 per cent to 50 per cent (Fig. 2) in the siliceous area. The fact shows that the two communities (L- and S-) do not possibly belong to different associations, but form two "Variante" in the sense of BRAUN-BLANQUBT (1951) in the same association, probably "Fraxinus commemo-ralis-Dryopteris polylepis association". 5. L-community in the calcareous area is characterized by such species as Kerria japonica, Orixa japonica, Zabelia integrifolia, etc., which should be called calciphilous plants. The vegetation concerned may be attributable to one of the edaphic climax. S-community in the siliceous area is characterized by such species as Clethra barbinerbis, Rhododendron Kaempferi, R. semibarbatum, etc., which should be called calciphobous plants (Table 6). 6. To test the homogeneity of the L-community by means of the same procedure, it was subdivided into two groups including two and three quadrats respectively, depending on the positive correlation among them (Table 5). The former is in the field poor in gravels and the other rich in them. S-community may be divided into two groups though it is not apparent what they are derived from. 7. The pH values of the soil samples in each quadrat indicate that the L-community is favorable on alkaline or neutral soils and the other on acid soils. Other factors causing the distinction of the two communities could not be determined.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1959-07-01