ジャガイモ畑におけるオオニジュウヤホシテントウ成虫の移動分散性について : 特に分布様式との関連において
- 論文の詳細を見る
The large twenty-eight spotted lady beetle, Epilachna vigintioctomaculata MOTSCHULSKY, was released in a small experimental potato field and their dispersion and movement were observed for several days. The results can be summarized as follows. (1) Those beetles which were released at the centre of a field of 50 square meters decreased in number day by day. Five days were needed to complete diffusive dispersion, and they scarcely emigrated to neighbouring potato fields. Two parts of this field were planted with one stem potato hills, two others were left without removal of weeds, one was shaded from sunlight, and the other parts were planted with potato hills of more than two stems. The beetles showed no significant difference in number though they were less in parts of the potato hill with one stem. (2) Some of the beetles were marked and released on the potato plants which were selected in different parts of the field. There beetles remained on the plants as long as four days. (3) Four batches of beetles painted with different colours were released into a field of about 50 square meters divided into four parts. They were found to mingle with each other, but their decrease was different in different parts as well as in different batches. Batches of the beetles which showed remarkable decrease in a certain part of the field, showed a similar decrease over the whole field. Luxiriously grown plants were found to harbour more beetles than poorly grown plants and the beetles were remarkably less in parts of poor growth. (4) When the air temperature attains about 20℃, beetles were observed to fly actively over the field, but the distance covered by single flight was short, generally being to the nearest plant. The direction of flight seems not to be affected by wind. The role of these behaviours was discussed with regard to the heterogenous distribution of the beetle in the field (IWATA, 1953). This beetle is rather lazy in movement and this seems to be explain heterogenous distribution. In the open field, the population of this beetle is high near the hibernating place, while it is low in more remote places.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1955-10-31
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- ジャガイモ畑におけるオオニジュウヤホシテントウ成虫の移動分散性について : 特に分布様式との関連において