- 論文の詳細を見る
The long-armed freshwater prawn genus Macrobrachium is represented in the Shimanto River system, Shikoku, by three species, i.e. M. nipponense, M. formosense and M. japonicum. M. nipponense occurs mainly in the tributaries that join the mainstreams near the estuary, such as the Nakasuji and Takeshima Rivers. In the main stream of the Shimanto M. nipponense is not distributed upstream further than Gudo. M. formosense occurs from the river mouth to Ekawazaki, and M. japonicum from Fuwa to Taisho-cho. Their ranges overlap in the area between Fuwa and Ekawazaki. The daytime habitats of these species serve as retiring places and shelters. While M. formosense prefers pools and other slow-flowing or stagnant water, M. japonicum inhabits the riffles zone. At night, the active period of the prawns, M. formosense was found in the riffles zone together with M. japonicum.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1977-03-31
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