- 論文の詳細を見る
Before the Ise-wan Typhoon (September 1959), the Yoshino River (Nara Prefecture) had a very large standing crop of benthos. However, the benthic communities were destroyed considerably by the Typhoon. This river was studied in 1960,1964〜1967 (all during August), after the Typhoon, and the results were discussed and compared with the data of TSUDA and GOSE (1953,1954) and TSUDA and KOMATSU (1960). The conclusions are summarized as follows : After the benthic community was destroyed by the flood, it recovered gradually. The diversity of species tends to increase with the lapse of time. Dominant species also changed with time and the standing crop increased. The net-spinner's coefficient and Stenopsychidae coefficient increased. The rate of the increase of the standing crop was higher at the upper reaches than at the lower reaches. The curve of the increase of the standing crop with the lapse of time is shown as a sigmoid curve (Fig. 10).
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