- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The term, "production, "used in ecology must properly be expressed as"biological production, "in order not to be confused with the production which man performs. 2. There are contradictions among the categories which name the green plants the producers, the animals the consumers, and bacteria the decomposers(THIENEMANN, 1926) ; among those which name the herbivorous animals the first consumers, the carnivorous animals the first consumers, the carnivorous animals the second consumers and so on(LINDEMAN, 1942). 3. These authors considered energy and material transfer in the biotic community or in the ecosystem from the viewpoint of the energetics, and treated the green plants simply as the catchers of the radiant energy. In this respect only the green plants are conceived as the producers of the organic substances. Such is an over-simplified and onesided treatment. 4. Such an attitude reminds one of a thought which confined the consumption in human society merely to the individual consumption and neglects the productive consumption. 5. The consumption of green plants by herbivorous animals represents the productive consumption on that level of the hiotic community, and so on. These animals are eventually the producer of the animal level. 6. Only from this point of view, we may properly recognize the ecological meaning of the organic"production"by animals, of animal proteins and the other organic substances, and of the whole body of the animal itself. 7. The method of approach used by THIBNBMANN, LINDEMAN and others, can only settle the "flame" of the inflow of the radiant energy into the biotic community and this flame is regulated by the organization of the community, the analysis of which forms the basic problem of synecology. Therefore, from the synecological viewpoint, these authors' systems seem to be unsuccessful for the solution of the fundamental problems of the"biological production."
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1956-03-31
- 環境問題と環境観
- 地域自然環境と水と人類の生活と
- 社会的自然力としての人類の活動
- 地域自然環境論序章
- 農業と生態学
- 生物進化における系統発生と個体発生 : 学説史的おぼえがき
- 生態学と公害(2) : ソ連の公害
- 生態学と公害(1) : 生態学と新潟水俣病裁判
- 人類の生活
- 化学的機械論について : 科学と生活と思想との関連についての試論
- 生物学における起源の諸問題(1)
- 進化論の方向について
- 自然について : 生態学的考察(一)
- Theoretical Considerations on Some Basic Concepts of Animal Ecology, with Special Reference to its Unit-forms
- 「種の起原」の生態学
- 自然と環境,その現状認識について
- 環境問題における生物学の役割(公害・環境問題シリ-ズ-11-)
- 環境問題における生物学の役割(公害・環境問題シリ-ズ-11-)
- 現代環境論の一考察--生態学とその人間学的側面 (現代科学の可能性を問う)
- 環境問題における生物学の役割(公害・環境問題シリ-ズ-10-)
- 環境問題における生物学の役割(公害・環境問題シリ-ズ-10-)
- 明治30年代のわが国の動物生態学を中心とした生物学思想
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- 今西錦司著「人間以前の社会」