植生によるヘドロ地盤の乾燥に関する研究 : 八郎潟干拓地における排水の進行とヨシ群落の構造変化について
- 論文の詳細を見る
KAMIO, Akira (Fac. Agr., Yamagata Univ., Tsuruoka). 1982. Studies on the drying of marshy and heavy clay soil ground by means of vegetations-On the process of polder land drainage and structural changes of Phragmites communis community in the Hachirogata Central Polder. Jap. J. Ecol., 32 : 357-364. In the Hachirogata Central Polder, a stage of plant community dominated by Phragmites communis Trin. was observed three or four years after reclamation through various series of initial successions. With continued drainage and further desiccation of the marshy and heavy clay soil ground, dense stands of P. communis gradually changed to sparse stands. Horizontal rhizomes tended to shift downward from the surface layer to the lower layers of the ground as the level of ground-water was lowered year by year. The highest frequency of the horizontal rhizomes was found in an intermediate layer about 10 cm above the gley layer.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1982-09-30
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