- 論文の詳細を見る
Very little is known on the ecology of the Japanese soil terrestrial and subterranean algae. The present paper is devoted primarily to a research of soil algal vegetation of the newly reclaimed soils of the coastal districts of the brackish lake called Nakano-umi in the San-in region, Japan. The chemical and physical conditions of the surface soils of the area of study are as follows : 1) pH=3.6〜6.5 ; 2) chlorinity=0.05〜3.02mg/soil lg ; 3) total nitrogen=0.97〜3.14mg/soil lg ; 4) electric conductivity=630〜3200μ〓/cm. The commonly found algae of this region are Hormidium flaccidum (KUBTZ.) HEBRING, Zygogonium ericetorum KUBTZ, Stichococcus bacillaris NAEG., Chlorococcum sp., Monodus subterraneus PETERSEN, Nitzschia obtusa W. SMITH var. scalpelliformis GRUNOW and Nitzschia palea (KUBTZ.) W. SMITH. It is observed that such algae as Hormidium, Zygogonium and Nitzschia palea frequently occur in the boundary region of Phanerogamae community (composed of Phragmitis and Echinochloa) as pioneer plants of the migration of the plant community of this area. One of the most common soil alga in Japan Fritschiella tuberosa IYRENGAR occurs mostly in the stations which are passed off at least several years after the reclamation.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1967-06-01
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