- 論文の詳細を見る
The term "life course" refers the process of changing life structure over the individual lifetime. This definition is useful in linking life course theory to social change theory as well as to life structure theory. The old life cycle model is based on cross sectional data, and adopts the timing of life events as only one index of life course patterns. The new model is based on cohort data, and adopts not only timing but also the rate of people who experienced life events, and the dispersion of age at which people experienced them as indexes of life course patterns. The life cycle is not a normative pattern of the life course, but a way of analyzing the variety of life course patterns. The micro theory of life course deals with the mechanism of an individual life course. The individual life course is in the process of continuous change, but transitions (large-scale changes) don't occur so frequently. Men derive a new social existence through them. Turning points are a kind of transition which change the direction of the life course. There are two major types of turning points; "deprived" and "escaping". Some research suggests that transitions occur regularly in the life course. On the other hand, the macro theory is concerned with the relations between social change and life course. The differences in life course patterns among cohorts are explained by three effects; age effect, period effect, and cohort effect. But it is not easy to distinguish between these effects. Furthermore they are substitutional variables that don't indicate any specific origins of effects.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1990-04-30
- 特集概要 社会学者と社会--高田保馬,新明正道,清水幾太郎の場合 (特集 社会学者と社会)
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- 青井和夫 著, 『長寿社会論』, A5判, 210頁, 3700円, 流通経済大学出版会
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