- 論文の詳細を見る
On the whole, the educational attainment of Buraku people has rapidly improved in recent years. The main factors behind this improvement are (1) betterment of economic life of Buraku people, (2) modernization of community life and greater communication with outside communities, and (3) efforts and intervention by schools. But a significant gap between the educational achievement of Buraku people and other Japanese, still persists. Diminishing this gap is a major concern of both educational practitioners and researchers, and one of the most important tasks of the Buraku liberation movement today. This paper sheds light on the present state of Buraku children's educational achievement and theories which explain why the present gap exists. The first theory is the "Opportunity Structure Theory" where the gap is thought to be caused by discrimination against Buraku people, preventing full participation in the labor market, selection of marriage partners and interaction with other communities. The second theory is the "Subculture Theory" which views the gap as having roots in the Buraku people's "culture of poverty" such as a distinct language pattern, motivations and anti-school attitude. The third theory is the "Cultural Dominance Theory" where culture is thought to independently influence educational achievement, although culture is, in turn, affected by conditions of opportunity structure. And unlike the Subculture Theory which presumes self-reproduction and self-perpetuation of "culture of poverty", the Cultural Dominance Theory ashumes that Buraku culture is affected by changes in environmental conditions. The former two theories are inadequate with respect to explaining the relation between educational achievement and changes in Buraku comrnunity and the surrounding social situation. On the one hand, Subculture Theory cannot explain the change in Buraku community and culture in recent years, and on the other, Opportunity Structure Theory does not take into consideration the recent changes in the social situation surrounding Buraku people. By taking into consideration both the legitimation process and perspectives of cultural and cognitive differences, Cultural Dominance Theory seems to be more relevant in analyzing the change and the present situation concerning educational achievement of Buraku people. It emphasizes the function of school in modern society which stigmatizes Buraku children by blaming them for their behaviors and values that are inappropriate to school learning and school norms, thereby putting a dampening effect on the achievement motivation of Buraku children. Consequently, this leads to a reinforcement of the cultural subordinance of Buraku people.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1987-09-30
- III スクール・エスノグラフィーの可能性
- マイノリティ教育に関するエスノグラフィ
- 現代青少年の自立性に関する実証的研究(II-5部会 青少年の教育と文化)
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- 教育的ディスコースの文脈性と多声性
- 宮島 喬・藤田英典 編, 『文化と社会 : 差異化・構造化・再生産』, A5判, 215頁, 3605円, 有信堂高文社
- 「文化と社会--差異化・構造化・再生産」宮島喬,藤田英典編〔含 回答〕
- 232 学力と自己概念(II-3部会 選抜と教育)
- 314 子どものしつけと親の教育期待(III-1部会 社会化)
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