- 論文の詳細を見る
A school district means the basic administrative unit within which local schools are controlled, as well as the attendance district. In the U.S., because of their peculiar nature of public service, school districts are generally treated as quasi-corporations, and in some cases, they are determined by the courts and established as municipal corporations. This nature of school district is not the same among the States. In Japan, school districts are municipalized, and thus, after municipal reorganizations ("Cho-son Gappei"), many elementary and secondary schools are combined for the new community development. The reorganization of school districts has been promoted in the underpopulated areas for the last ten years. But the Ministry of Education noticed in September, 1973, that the reorganization of school districts is not promoted any longer. In conclusion, the following assumptions are suggested. (1) By municipal reorganizations, municipal areas become unsuited to living areas. (2) Movements against the reorganization of school districts are based upon locality, public interests and community egoism. (3) The school district system in Japan should be compared with the U.S. system. (4) Community should be developed on the basis of the school district system.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1974-11-01
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- 神田嘉延著, 『現代農村と社会教育 : 生活構造の変動と農村の学習」, A5判, 288頁, 3200円, 高文堂出版社
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