- 論文の詳細を見る
An investigation has been carried out on the process and the mechanism of austenitizing of spheroidal graphite cast iron by dilatometric and metallurgical methods. The austenitizing is affected remarkably by the microstructure, and the rate of the transformation reduces in the order of pearlitic, Bull's-eye, and ferritic structures. In ferritic spheroidal graphite cast iron, austenite phase forms mainly around the graphite nodules at high temperature and along the ferrite grain boundary at low temperature. The transformation is retarded by increasing silicon content, due to the elevation of A_<cl> temperature and reduction of austenite. Exponent, n, in the rate equation of the austenitizing (Johnson-Mehl equation) takes considerably lower values than 3. The experimental results fairly coincide with the calculated one by a diffusional model. It is assumed that the austenitizing of ferritic spheroidal graphite cast iron is controlled by carbon diffusion, and there exists a steady state reacion except for the early stage.
- 1977-08-01
- フェライト地鋳鉄のオ-ステナイト化時の膨張に及ぼすけい素及び黒鉛形状の影響
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- 307 球状黒鉛鋳鉄の逆変態について(鋳鉄・その他, 性質, 日本鉄鋼協会第 91 回(春季)講演大会)
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- 最近考えること
- ミーハナイト鋳鉄と球状黒鉛鋳鉄の登場