- 論文の詳細を見る
The blast furnace plant at the Showa Steel Works is inherited on the 1st. Junc, 1933. from the Anzan Iron Works, which was formerly belonged to the South Manchuria Railway Company. The first campaign of the No. 1 furnace was blown in on the 29th. April 1919. At present we are operating 3 furnaces, No. 1, 2 & 3, rated at 350, 400 & 500tons output per day respectively. We are given lots of natural resources for iron industry, but they are rather minor quality. The success in the dressing process for lean ore introduced sinter as main burden, which is so much siliceous, friable and finely, that we are often disturbed our uniform opation by the big amount of slag and flue dust. Coke is also not strong enough for blast furnace use. We have had so many years of difficulties against these bad conditions. But after experience, step by step, with the improvements of raw materials, especially by the merits of sinter, we have arrived at pretty good conditions, producing about 1, 350tons of pig iron daily.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1936-12-25
- 17) 管理面から見た千葉製鐵所の計畫概要(第 3 囘品質管理大會報告, 研究部會報告)
- 昭和製鋼所の高爐設備及作業に就て
- 2) 昭和製鋼所高爐設備及作業に就て(日本鐵鋼協會第拾參囘講演大會(滿洲冶金學會聯合))