脊髄損傷患者の追跡調査 : 麻痺高位, ADL, 自立度と結婚, 性機能について
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Ninety-one patients with spinal cord injury have been personally treated by author (70 male, and 21 female).Twenty-one male and eight female patients have been single before and after injury. Ten of the seventy male had beed married after injury, while none of the twenty-one female was married.There were the patients of thirty-five male and eleven female, in whom maintain to live married life both before injury after that. Three male and two female divorced after injury and one male was bereaved of his wife.It may be factor of divorce to be disability in the sexual intercourse, but it was not such a serious problem that one might anticipate.The physicians cannot forecast from the onset of spinal cord injury what the sexual function of any one patient will be. However, knowing the neurologic level of the injury, the complete or incomplete lesion, and the reflex status through the sacral segments, one can at least attempt such a forecast.In the sixty-one male except nine male who have the possibility of the independent gait, three patients with lesion in the cervical segments, five patients with lesion in the hign and middle thoratic segments and four patients with lesion in the lower lumbar segments were successful at coitus.Of these, two patients with lesion in the cervical segment, two patients with lesion in the high ane middle thoratic segment and four patients with lesion in the lower lumbar segments were able to ejaculate.All patients with complete lesion in the lower thoratic segments were even unable to erect.All patients who have the possibility of the independent gait were able to erect and ejaculate.
- 社団法人日本リハビリテーション医学会の論文
- 1978-01-18
- 水泳の飛び込み動作における危険因子の検討 : スポーツ医学に関する研究
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- 133. 前十字靭帯再建術後患者における反応時間
- 17. 二分脊椎症児における肥満について(脳性麻痺ほか)
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- 1.知的発達よりみた二分脊椎症児の就学について(運動器疾患)
- 4. Achondroplasia に合併した2症例 : 四肢短縮+対麻痺リハビリテーション上の問題点(脊髄障害)
- 16.頸髄損傷患者の尿路管理について(脊髄障害)
- 168.脳卒中片麻痺患者の排尿障害(泌尿器)
- 76. 脊髄損傷患者の褥創治療について(脊髄疾患)(第18回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会)
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- 脊髄性麻痺患者の尿路感染症に対する抗生物質投与法に関する研究-1-Cefotiamの麻痺部位筋注法
- 198.水泳の飛び込みによる頚髄損傷の発生原因について : スポーツ医学・その他に関する研究 : 第36回日本体力医学会大会
- 脊髄損傷患者の追跡調査 : 麻痺高位, ADL, 自立度と結婚, 性機能について
- I.1-1.脊髄損傷患者の追跡調査(II)(第14回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会)(脊髄損傷)
- 77. 脊髄損傷患者の追跡調査(脊損・膝)第13回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会
- 74.痙性対麻痺に対する手術療法(脊髄, 筋および神経疾患)(第12回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会)
- 58. 脊髄性麻痺疾患のリハビリテーション上の問題点(骨関節・その他)(第10回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会)
- 32.片麻痺の足関節変形に対する観血的治療(片麻痺)(第9回リハビリテーション医学会総会)
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