肢体不自由児の下肢手術に伴う生体侵襲 : 集中維持機能TAF-Lを中心として
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In our institute (The Hokkaido Prefectural Institute for the Crippled Children) it is thought very important for the maintenance of health of the crippled children to seize the degree of the injury by the operation on crippled children concerning the changes of physical function. This time we made an experiment to analyze the aspect of the appearance of the physical injury concerning the function of concentration maintenance (T.A.F) and tried to make use of the result to maintain the health of the crippled children. When we compare the result of operation in lower limbs with that of non-operation in lower limbs, we know that the former gives a consecutive impulse on the crippled children and consequently they lose much physical strength and the degree of the burden on them are reflected in the T.A.F test, judging from the decline of T.A.F observed in after the operation in lower limbs and the large alternation of it in a day in the course of the operation. By blood count the decrease of the number of leucocytes after the operation were seen. In general the decrease of the number of leucocytes is observed to have the close relation with fatigue. Namely it is often observed that when one feels fatigued the decrease of the leucocytes were seen. And decrease of weight after operation in lower limbs proves that the burden on the crippled children by the operation in lower limbs is very large and these phenomena are reflected in these results.
- 社団法人日本リハビリテーション医学会の論文
- 1973-10-18
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