地域の伝統的造形と鑑賞教育 : 小学校における昼花火の実践と理論的考察
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The purpose of this report is to investigate the traditional art of a specific locality in education forappreciation, and to propose curriculum reform which would clearly incorporate this appreciation into educational significance. I took up fireworks in Fukushima as traditional local art, and investigated the change in appearance of children's appreciation. This study showed that the appreciation deepened children's understanding of the fireworks. For this reason to understand the relations between culture of daily life and art, to expand the contents of appreciation, to activate the education of primary school, to be beginning of the multicultural education, and to deepen the relations between region and character building were shown to be educational significance. Not only to work but also to appreciate the relations between cultur and art in curriculum was shown to be extremely important.
- 1997-03-31
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