- 論文の詳細を見る
There are now various therapeutic interventions for cerebral palsied children. Many of them were developed based on the theoretical speculation or empiricism, because it was difficult to know the pathophysiological process, which occurred in the injured brain before its development. It, however, is believed that synaptic formation and synaptic rearrangement play a main role in the first instance of motor development. In the therapeutic approach for cerebral palsied children, we should adopt the appropriate strategy based on the knowledge of neuro-developmental science. As same as the other diseases, for the cerebral palsy, we also should treat the various levels of problems, which was classified by WHO as impairments, disabilities (activities), and handicaps (participation). Therapeutic interventions for children with cerebral palsy have been directed mainly toward impairments of this pathological condition, such as spasticity, joint contracture and abnormal movement pattern. We should pay attention for the cerebral palsied children also to their function in the home activities and participation to the social affairs. At the end of the 20th century health professionals are expected to produce evidence of the effectiveness of the treatments that they provided to the clients. What we require in addition are measures that capture the "health status" of people. We have not been making enough effort to evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic intervention for cerebral palsied children with the scientific documentation. In North America, various scales have been developed in the recent decades under the concept of the framework for health measurement indices. These scales were also standardized and were endurable for multi-institute's use. In the area of rehabilitation of cerebral palsied children, Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) and Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) were developed with this new concept. In this review article, the summary and the process of standardization in Japan of these scales were presented.
- 社団法人日本リハビリテーション医学会の論文
- 2000-04-18
- 脳性麻痺簡易運動テスト(Simple Motor Test for Cerebral Palsy)の考案(2) : 試作版SMTCP Ver.1.1の信頼性・妥当性の検討およびSMTCP Ver.2.01の作成
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