「文検支那語」に関する研究ノート : 戦前中国語教員養成の一断面
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"The ministerial ordinance for middle school" was revised to add Chinese language courses for intermediate schools by the No. 2 Ministerial Ordinance dated January 10, 1931. In order to fulfill the requirement of training teachers, Ministry of Education added Chinese language to the subjects of the Government Examination by issuing No. 15 of the Ministerial Ordinance on August 30, 1932. This paper is to study the specialized knowledge and cultural accomplishments required to the teachers for Chinese language for intermediate school by analyzing the system and actual implementation of Chinese language in the Examination of Ministry of Education Specifically following items are reviewed in this paper; (1) the background of the birth of Chinese language in the examination of Ministry of Education, (2) transition of the system of Chinese language in the examination of Ministry of Education and test schedule, (3) examiners, (4) questions for the exam, (5) reference books for the exam, (6) candidates preparing for the exam. It becomes clear that the meaning of language ability required by the examination of Ministry of Education was not only practical knowledge of Chinese language of the level of graduation of school of foreign languages but also the commonsense knowledge of Chinese and Japanese classics as well as the knowledge of the language, mode of life, custom and regime of the Qing era. The Chinese language at the intermediate school was different from the English and German language which were cultural requirements for entering a higher level of school. The Chinese language was introduced as knowledge to be useful for "actual living", "to develop a closer relationship with China", and so the priority of the exam for teachers was "pronunciation of actual conversation" and "communication" capabilities. On the other hand the reference books were broad ranged that included novels in its original language, Chinese magazines, and newspapers. More than half of the candidates were teachers in service and many of them took the examination working at Taiwan and main land China. Some candidates took the exam just to evaluate the level of self-taught Chinese language skill, some had the patriotic spirit to devote themselves to the education of the fighters for the Asian revolution. In this paper I made it clear that in the beginning, the license for teaching Chinese language was thought of as just a sheet of paper, but along with the invasion of China, the license was not just the license for intermediate schools, but it was considered the most powerful qualification for finding employment and as a result, increased the number of examinees and changed the motive for it as well.
- 日本教育学会の論文
- 2005-03-30