- 論文の詳細を見る
The high temperature slab production techniques to realize the new type of CC-HDR (the remote HDR), in which the caster is located some distance from the mill, are discussed. In continuous casting ; Firstly, it is required to adopt the optimum slab thickness. Next, the following techniques are indispensable in order to raise the slab edge temperature high enough for remote HDR process ; secondary cooling pattern leaving slab edge not sprayed with water, slab surface reheating by utilization of latent heat of solidification, slab edge insulation in caster, slab edge heating system around cutter equipment. Slab transportation ; High speed, insulated slab transfer car is advantageous for remote HDR process. Prior to hot rolling mill ; Jet gas heating system is more advantageous for remote HDR process than induction heating system due to the effective heating of slab cutting section. In addition, longitudinal turning of slab is effective to save energy for slab edge heating. It is required to efficiently arrange these techniques between caster and hot rolling mill. Based on the concept mentioned above, a new remote HDR process at Yawata Works in Nippon Steel Corporation has been built and put into operation successfully in June 1987.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1988-07-01
森玉 直徳
沖森 麻佑巳
森玉 直徳
沖森 麻佑巳
新日本製鉄 光製鉄所
池崎 英二
磯上 勝行
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