- 論文の詳細を見る
Previously, the authors judged qualitatively the states of diffusion of various elements into molten carbon steel and nickel steel, and confirmed a considerable difference in diffusion, in accordance with the melting points of various elements and the alloy irons and the specific gravity, the temperature of molten steel, the duration of keeping a constant temperature, the magnitude of affinity of the elements and iron, etc. The present research was carried out for the further clarification of such relations, and a quantitative method by chemical analysis was adopted. As to the experimental process, Swedish steel of 0.1-0.3%C was made to a cylindrical form of 100mm. in length and 22mm. in diam., as shown in sketch, and its bottom was finished semi-spherically corresponding to the internal diameter of a Tamman tube which melts the steel. The hollow parts A and B arranged at the upper or lower part have an internal diam. of 14mm. and a height of 10mm., the positions being changed from the previous case. In these hollow parts, the element or alloy iron to be tested is charged, and placing it in the Tamman tube, the melting was carried out by a Tamman furnace, and without stiring it a constant temperature was kept for a definite time, and it was then cooled gradually in the furnace. When the specimen was cooled to a normal temperature, it was machined longitudinally from the side in parallel until the width became 15mm., and then hardness was measured along 20 lines drawn at an interval of 5mm. from the bottom, and also microscopic examinations of structures at several parts were made as required. Then, specimens were taken by machining it with a lathe at 2.5mm above and below the hardness measuring lines, i.e., at each width of 5mm. Chemical analysis was made with these specimens. The results of the experiments give approximately the same conclusion as that in the previous research.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1937-10-25
- 97 二硫化炭素製造用レトルト材質に關する研究(日本鐵鋼協會第 45 回講演大會講演大要)
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