- 論文の詳細を見る
In charpy machine, the low-temperature impact test was carried out on a series of carbon steels in their various heat treated conditions, and the cause of low-temperature brittleness was systematically investigated. It was found in the test that the sub-zero temperature brittleness is caused by iron carbide in steels, and the critical temperature (the temperature at which the brittleness sets in) varies in a wide range in accordance with the form as well as the quantity of the carbide. An extremely low carbon steel, in the quenched and tempered states, shows the critical temperature below -120℃. The low-tem-perature brittleness of this steel is an inherent characteristic of ferrite itself, and not due to the carbide which is so small in quantity and exists in an uninfluential form. Steels containing a comparatively higher amount of oxygen show a greater susceptibility to subzero temperature brittleness. The effect of oxygen is particularly remarkable in low carbon steels.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1936-10-25
- 鋼の纎維状組織と其の性質
- Ni 鋼及び Ni・Cr 鋼の加熱變態開始温度に就て
- 鋼の低温脆性の原因に就て
- 鋼の低温度脆性及び燒鈍鋼の急冷脆性
- 15) 鋼の低温度脆性に就て(日本鐵鋼協會第拾參囘講演大會(滿洲冶金學會聯合))
- 鋼の燒戻脆性に就て
- 鍛延鋼の性質に就て
- クロム鋼の燒戻と鐵クロム合金の可淬性に就て
- 鋼の疲勞に就て
- 燒戻硬化の現象に關する研究