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In Japan, stabilization measures of vegetable prise are mainly based on the stable supply of vegetables and the adjustment of marketing structure, but the rationalization of consumers' purchasing behavior is not emphasized in this regard. The purpose of this paper is to note the consumers' purchasing behavior for fresh fruits and vegetables and to examine the rationalization measures of this behavior. The following were concluded from the analysis: (1) The consumers' purchasing behavior was characterized by (i) inactivity of a consumer choice mechanism for stores, (ii) a higher rates of purchasing frequency, (iii) indifference to retailing prise, (iv) inelasticity of purchasing patterns, (v) poor use of informations, and so on. However, these results did not show that the consumers' purchasing behavior was irrational, since this behavior was dependent on the properties of fresh fruits and vegetables per se and of consumption. (2) The consumers' purchasing behavior could be rationalized by (i) the education of consumers, (ii) the popularization of large-size home equipment to store and (iii) the provision of precise informations.わが国における野菜の価格安定対策は, 安定供給をはかることと流通機構の整備に重点が置かれており, 消費者の購買行動の合理化にはあまり重点がおかれていない. 本稿は, 消費者の購買行動の合理化対策を検討する目的で, 青果物の購買行動の分析をおこなった. その結果は次のとうりである. (1), 青果物の購買行動の特徴には, (i)店舗選択行動の不活発性, (ii)購買頻度の高さ, (iii)価格に対する無関心さ, (iv)購買パターンの硬直性, (v)情報利用のまずさ等があり, この諸特徴が消費者の購買行動を不合理なものにしているのであるが, 青果物の商品特性や消費特性も考慮すると, 必ずしも不合理だとはいいきれない面がある. (2), 消費者の購買行動をより合理的にする対策としては, (i)消費者教育や(ii)家庭における大型貯蔵施設の普及, および(iii)情報の充実が考えられる.
- 香川大学の論文
- 1979-03-05
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