月と不死 : 沖繩研究の世界的連關性によせて
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N. Nevskii recorded on the islands of Miyako, Okinawa, a folk-tale which explains the dark spots on the moon as the form of a man carrying two water-pails with a pole, as a punishment for his sin of pouring water of rejuvenescence on serpents, and water of death on men, the opposite of what the gods had ordered him to do. Although the present-day Japanese see in the moon-spots a hare pounding rice-cake, we find in the Manyoshu, compiled in the 7-8th centuries, the phrase "water or rejuvenescence in the hands of Tsukiyomi (moon, moon-man)". The above-mentioned Okinawan tale suggests that the Japanese also had at one time a belief that the moon-man carried the water of life. The author traces the distribution of the motif of the humam figure with a water-pail (or pails) in the moon from Northern Europe through Siberia (the Yakuts, the Buryats, the Tungus) and East Asia (the Goldi, the Gilyaks, the Ainu, the Okinawans) to N. W. North America (the Tlingit, the Haida, the Kwakiutl) and New Zealand. He traces the motif of a hare (or a rat) from South Africa through India, the South Seas, Tibet, China, Mongolia, Japan etc. to North America, and finds in some folk-beliefs with the latter motif the same idea of the origin of human death as in Okinawa. Both motifs must have originated in the primitive belief of seeing in the eternal repetition of waxing and waning of the moon its immortal life or rejuvenescence, and the water carried by the moon-man (or moon-woman) must originally have meant the water of life or rejuvenescence, as in the case of the Okinawan folk-tale.
- 日本文化人類学会の論文
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- 月と不死 : 沖繩研究の世界的連關性によせて
- 今西錦司著, 『遊牧論そのほか』, 昭和 23 年 3 月, 秋田屋發行, B6 判, 264 頁, 90 圓
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- グレーブナー著, 小林秀雄譯, 民族學研究法, 昭和十五年十月, 十字屋書店發行, 四六版三一三頁, 定價二圓五十錢
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- 桑原考(承前)
- 岡田謙著, 民族學, 昭和二二年一月, 朝日新聞社發行, B6 版, 一九四頁, 定價二五圓
- 桑原考(一)
- クラウゼとその「構造論」に就いて
- ハイネ・ゲルデルン著, 小堀甚二譯, 東南アジアの民族と文化, 昭和十七年十二月發行, 聖紀書房刊, A5 判, 四六九頁, 價六圓五十錢
- 輔仁大學人類學博物館發行「民俗學誌」
- パウル, エミル, ヴィクトル, 津田逸夫譯, きたかぜ, 昭和十五年十二月, 青年書房發行, 四六判, 四七九頁, 定價二圓五十錢
- アグネス, キース著, 野原達夫譯, ボルネオ, 昭和十五年十月, 三省堂發行, 四六判, 三八六頁, 一圓四十錢
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