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An advanced husbandry system was developed in Johoku region (Houtaku, Kamoto, Tamana and Kikuchi County) in Kumamoto Prefecture from Meiji era to World War II. This study named the system as Higo husbandry system (HHS) and reviewed the series of technological development of the system. Particularly, this study named the new developed system after 1900 as Meiji Higo husbandry system. Agricultural productivity in Johoku region where HHS was developed was one of the highest as well as in Chikuzen region in Fukuoka Prefecture. Characteristics of HHS were as follows. Firstly, land utilization was highly intensive with three crops a year, and the typical combination was naked barley - soiling soybeans - rice. Secondly, popularity of horse plowing was the highest in Japan at the time. Thirdly, drainage technique was highly developed, which promoted the popularization of horse plowing. Fourthly, excellent short landslide plow called higosuki was introduced. Agricultural technology was remarkably developed after the late 19th century. In 1988, Shigeru Takagi introduced a high yield rice variety “Shinriki.” Jimpei Tomita of Kikuchi County invented "tome-ido" and relief-well-earthen-pipe in 1903, and Suejiro Ohtsu invested a famous modern short landslide plow called "maruko-suki." Furthermore, many technical innovations were achieved such as inventions of a seed selection method using salt water and regular transplanting method of rice, improvement in nursery bed and manuring, and popularization of a weeder called "taichiguruma." It was a farmers association that played important role to accomplish and extend those inventions. The series of development became popular in Johoku region at first, then spread all through the nation.
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