初期世代混系子孫に依り推定された大麦に於ける収量の遺伝性(抄録) : GRAFINS, J. E., NELSON, W. L. and DIRKS. V. A. : The heritability of yield in barley as measured by early generation bulked progenies. : Agron Journ. 44(5) may. (1952)
Heterosisに就て(抄録) : HAGBERG,A. : Further studies on and discussion of the heterosis phenomenom Hereditas XXXIX : 349-380,1953.
大麦に於ける遺伝子型の協力 : CUSTAFSSON,A,(1953) : The cooperation of genotypes in barley Hereditas 39(1-2) : 1-18
松村清二編, 甜菜の三倍体による育種, 化学試験研究報告14, 134pp, 東京
雄性不稔を利用した大麦の合成品種 : COIT A SUNESON (1951) : Male-sterile facilitated synthetic hybrid barley. Agron. Jour. 43 ( 5 ) : 234-236.
初期世代混系子孫に依り推定された大麦に於ける収量の遺伝性(抄録) : GRAFINS, J. E., NELSON, W. L. and DIRKS. V. A. : The heritability of yield in barley as measured by early generation bulked progenies. : Agron Journ. 44(5) may. (1952)