糸瓜蔓割病耐病性品種の育種研究(第2報) : 罹病圃場に於ける単一品種の選抜育種
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The authors are cairrying on a series of breeding work aiming the resistant varieties to wilt of sponge gourd, caused by a fcrma of vascuiar Fusaria, using a lot of wilt-infested fields in the center of the infested area. Hamana County. Shizuoka Prefecture. In the first paper we have already reported about the breeding by polyploidy. Although Daruma, a leading variety for flbernet use, was recognized as a susceptible' one, in our investigation, there found frequently, some survived individuals in some heavily infested fields. Then, the selection method in this papdr was perfbrmed to find out whether we could obtain resistant lines directly from a variety by means of selecting such survived individuals in a infested field; without applying: hybridization. The effect of t,his selection was far better than our expectation, so that we repoft this result in this secorid paper.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1955-12-25
- たねば問題
- [48]糸瓜蔓割病耐病性品種の育種研究第5報耐病性の遺伝学的研究(II) : 日本育種学会第14回講演会講演要旨
- 糸瓜蔓割病耐病性品種の育種研究 : 第3報 交配育種について
- 糸瓜蔓割病耐病性品種の育種研究(第2報) : 罹病圃場に於ける単一品種の選抜育種
- 糸瓜蔓割病耐病性品種の育種研究 : 第1報倍数体の育成及びその特性
- 46.糸瓜蔓割病耐病性品種の育種研究(第2報) : 罹病地に於ける耐病系の淘汰育種 : 日本育種学会第七回講演会講演要旨
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- 4.糸瓜蔓割病対病性品種の育種研究 : 第1報倍数体の育成とその特性 : 日本育種学会第五回講演要旨
- 11.登熟期に於けるバーナリゼーションの研究, : 第1報 蚕豆 : 日本育種学会第四回講演会要旨
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