タバコ属植物の細胞遺伝学的研究 : XVIII.4倍体タバコと他の3種との雑種の減数分裂
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The reduction division in PMC's was studied in 3 interspecific hybrids : 4x N. labaculee XN. alata, 4x N. tabacum X N. Ialegsdorffii and 4x N. tabacum X N. benavid esii. 1) F_1 of 4x N. tabaculee (n=48) X N. alata (n=9) This hybrid was produced for the purpose of introducing a gene or genes for immunity agn"inst mil,dew and black shank, and for resi.stance against wild fire and anthracnose from N. alata into cultiv,ated tobacco. At MI in PMC's of this hybrid, tb.e total number ,of bivalents and trivalents per cell was 24. The number of trivalents most frequently ranged from 1 to 4 but O, 5 and 6 were rare. At meiosis of the F_1 of N. tabacumXN. alata, the ,author (1956) observed 1-6 bivalents and the most frequent configurations found were 311+171 and 4n +15_I' According to KOSTOFF'S description (1943), the same hybrid N. tabacumxN. alata contained 5-9 l)ivalents and also some polyvalents. Further, the :number of trivalents in the hybrid, 4x N. tabacumX N. alata, generally agreed with that of bivalents in the'hybrid, N. tabacum X N. alata, observed by myself, but did not agree with Kostoff's findings. At AI of PMC's, chromosome bridges and strayed chromosomes outside the spindle were frequently seen. At 2nd division, they form small nuclei and ,are the cause of polyspory at tetrad stage. 2) F_1 of 4x N. tabacum (n=48) X N. Iaecgsdorffii (n=9) The purpose of producing this hybrid was to introduce a gene or genes for immunity to mildew and for resistance to black root rot from N. Iaeegs,dorffli into cultivated tobacco. At MI in PMC's of the F_1 of 4x N. tabacum X N. ,laeegsdorffii, the tbtal number of bivalents and trivalents per cell was 24. The number of trivalents ranged from O to 5, with the mode at 1. PMC's with 4 or 5 trivalents were very rare. In my laboratory, Dr. HU (1956) obeserved meiosis of the hybrid between N. tabaculee and N. Ialegsdorffii and found a range from 5 to 12 chromosome pairs with the mode at 11. Considering his data, more trivaents than those observed by myself may be expected in the F_1 of 4x N. tabacum X N. Iangsdorffii. But the small number of trivalents found in this hybrid may be due to saturation of the affinity between homologous chromosomes by the two ch-romosome sets of N. tahoculee pr6sent in this hybrid. 3) F_1 of 4x N.tsbacum (n=48) x N. benavidesii (n=12) This hybrid was produced for the purpose of introducing a gene or genes for immunity against the common mosaic disease from N. beleavidesii into cultivated tobacco. At MI in PMC's of this hybrid, the total number of bivalents and trivalents per cell was 24. The number of trivalents ranged from O to 6, with the mode at 2,. PMC's with 5 or 6 trivalents were very rare. At meiosis of the F_1 of 2x N. tabacumxN. beleevidesii, GOODSPEED (1954) observed the range of chromosome pairs to be from O to 6, with the mode at 3. Considering that in my study hybrid plants with two chrotnosome sets of N. tabacum and one chromosome set of N. benavidesii have been used, it may be said that the results of my observations are generally in agreement with GOODSPEED'S data, because the affinity between homologous chromosomes may in this hybrid be saturated by the presence of two chromosome sets of N. tabacum
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1962-12-25
- タバコ属植物の細胞遺伝学的研究 : XIX.Nicotiana PaniclataとAlata節4種との種間雑種の減数分裂
- タバコ属植物の細胞遺伝学的研究 : XVIII.4倍体タバコと他の3種との雑種の減数分裂
- 日本における熱帯性並びに亜熱帯性植物の自生北限
- アサガオに生ずる遺伝的腫瘍