- 論文の詳細を見る
I. A rice variety Rikuu-No. 132, which is cultivated today in Tanegashima Kytishu district, was introduced ab. out ten or m,ore years ago from Tohoku district, where it was bred and is commonly cultivated. The environm,ental conditions in Tanegashima are markedly differ froro, that in Tohoku district, and for thls reason, it is said that Rikuu-No. 132 in Ta-negashima seem.s to have some differetrt characteristics after the production of many gonerations. , It is very im,portant and interesting problem, from genecological point of view that to ascertain whether any variation have been occured in charactefs of the produced in Tanegashima Rikuu-No. 132, and whether sclch variation is heritable one or hot, if it is so. 2. In order to make clear the question above mentioned, several investigations were undertaken and have been conducted at the Tohoku Agricultural Experiment Station in cooperation with the Tanegash-ip2a Agricultural Experiment Station. The report dealts with the studies in 1949 and 1950 at the Tohoku Agricultural Experiment Station. 3 . Although there is the variations of many characters between the variety, Rikuu-No. 32 in Tanega-shima and that in Tohoku district, it seem,s ta be the fractuation which is ;lot affect the next generation. 4. It seemed to be difiicult to distingfuish that the Tanegashim,a Rikuu-No: 132 from the Tohoku Rikuu-No. 132 as a differential ecotype.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1952-03-31
- 水稲の感光性に就いて : 第1報 東北地方に於ける水稻主要品種の感光性程度に就いて
- 水稲品種の草型に関する研究 (II) : 分蘖剪除が水稲の諸形質に及ぼす影響 (第99回講演会)
- 昭和25年8月4日の宮城縣品井沼地方の洪水に於ける水稻水害調査
- 水稲陸羽132号の生態変異に関する研究(第1報)
- 10.水稲陸羽132号の生態変異に関する研究(第1報) : 日本育種学会第1回講演要旨
- 水稻品種の草型に關する研究(第2報) : 分蘖剪除が水稻の諸形質に及ぼす影響