パリを思う : パリ都市考(<特集>ぶらり パリの街あかり)
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In each city all over the world, there is an indigenous identity respectively. Paris is called "Beautiful city like a flower", and then many people visited Paris. Paris has a lot of sceneries for which still old vestige has been left. Additionally, it is "The scenery which is an achromatic color", and peculiar landscape at Paris. Paris is the place of origin of "urban lighting". At present, Paris is called "city of the illumination", and lightscapes are evaluated most in the worlds as beautiful city. Especially, the scenery at twilight is most beautiful. And, the lightscape becomes more beautiful at the yuletide. In this paper, Paris was caught by the following points of view and introduced. Four points of view are shown as follows: -History of Paris, -Urban structure of Paris, -Urban renewal of Paris, -Various cultures of Paris, That is, this paper outlined "history on the city and the illumination" and "the lighting cultures in Paris". In addition, this paper was written based on round-table talk of "Thought on Urban Lightscapes at Paris" with Lighting Designer Akari-Lisa Ishii held in Paris.
- 2005-06-01
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- 編集後記
- パリを思う : パリ都市考(ぶらり パリの街あかり)
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