家庭科教科書における家族領域の日米比較 : 全体的構成の変遷
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Contents of textbooks of homemaking education between Japan and America were compared in this paper. Analysis on how the total constructions had been changing for more than thirty years, were attempted on the "Family" area. In America, the main interest of homemaking education was gradually changing from physical health to mental health, and from "Foods" to "Relationships" and "Family," and from "making something" to "making decisions." On the contrary, "Foods" and "Clothes" have been of more interest than the "Family" in Japan. "Family"is contained only in the "Home Life" area. Although "Family" is introduced at the beginning of textbooks, it has been neglected in teaching.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1990-12-20
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