下顎骨骨空洞の治癒過程に関する病理組織学的研究 : とくにハイドロキシアパタイト顆粒填入後の組織修復について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the healing process of the bony cavity and the role of the periosteum. Adult male rabbits were divided into 4 groups : Group 1. Periosteum preserved without HAP granules. Group 2. Periosteum resected without HAP granules. Group 3. Periosteum preserved with HAP granules. Group 4. Periosteum resected with HAP granules. Rabbits were killed and observed histomouphometrically at 7, 14, 21, 28, or 56 daysa after the operation. Results Group 1 : The contour of the mandibular bone was almost recovered, but hollow surfaces were observed in some specimens. Group 2 : Hollow surfaces of bone were observe. Group 3 : The contour of the mandible was recovered by new bone and HAP. Group 4 : Bone formation did not occur in some parts. In conclusion, HAP plays an important role in the recovery of the bone contour and the periosteum may be involved in regulation of the direction of osteogenesis.
- 北海道医療大学の論文
- 1999-06-30
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- 下顎骨骨空洞の治癒過程に関する病理組織学的研究 : とくにハイドロキシアパタイト顆粒填入後の組織修復について