Spaces of holomorphic maps between complex projective spaces and group actions (New Evolution of Transformation Group Theory)
- Spaces of maps from the closed Riemann surface into the 2-sphere (変換群論の新たな展開--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- Simplicial resolutions and their applications (Geometry of Transformation Groups and Related Topics)
- The homotopy approximation of spaces of algebraic maps between algebraic varieties(The theory of transformation groups and its applications)
- Spaces of holomorphic maps between complex projective spaces and group actions (New Evolution of Transformation Group Theory)
- Remark on homotopy types of twisted complex projective spaces (Transformation Group Theory and Surgery)
- 球面上のSpherical Fibre Spaceの連結和について(非安定ホモトピー論の研究)
- On the spaces of equivariant maps between real algebraic varieties (Transformation Groups and Surgery Theory)
- The space of maps from a real projective space to a toric variety (Topology of transformation groups and its related topics)