9-11 Trace Element Status of Soils in Tropical Asia, I
インドネシアジャワ島の水田土壌中可給態ケイ素含有量における長期集約的稲作の影響(SSPN Award,2008年度愛知大会)
14-2 西アフリカ農牧混交地における土壌肥沃度維持について : ブルキナファソ北部・シルゲイ村の事例(14.土地分類利用・景域評価)
Surface Charge and Adsorption Characteristics of Copper and Zinc on Tropical Peat Soils
Effect of long-term intensive rice cultivation on the available silica content of sawah soils : Java Island, Indonesia(Soil Fertility)
Effect of green revolution technology during the period 1970-2003 on sawah soil properties in Java, Indonesia : II. Changes in the chemical properties of soils(Soil Fertility)
Effect of green revolution technology from 1970 to 2003 on sawah soil properties in Java, Indonesia : I. Carbon and nitrogen distribution under different land management and soil types(Soil Fertility)
23-18 The Effects of Long-Term Intensive Rice Cultivation on the Available Silica Content of Sawah Soils : the Case of Java Island, Indonesia
23-21 The Effect of Green Revolution Technology during the Period of 1970-2003 on Sawah Soil Properties in Java, Indonesia : Carbon and Nitrogen Distribution under Different Land Managements and Soil Types
The effect of Green Revolution technology during the period of 1970-2003 on chemical properties of sawah soil in Java, Indonesia
23-4 The Effect of green revolution during the period 1970-2003 on some chemical properties of sawah soil in Java, Indonesia
13-6 滋賀県黒ボク土の特性と分類(13.土壌生成・分類)
14-11 滋賀県農耕地土壌の類型区分(14.土地分類利用・景域評価)
食・文・化・論 アーティスト モンスーンアジアの自然と農業
24-3 土の百科事典 : 土の理解を広め深めるために(24.社会・教育,2010年度北海道大会)
2-7 Trace Elements in Tropical Asian Paddy Soils : Extractable Trace Element Status
9-11 Trace Element Status of Soils in Tropical Asia, I
シンポジウム紹介 フィールド・サイエンスとしての土壌学 (第46回土壌物理学会シンポジウム「フィールドサイエンスと土壌物理」)
8-44 Change of Soil Fertility and Tilth in An Experiment on Shifting Cultivation in Northeast Thailand
The Long-term Changes in Heavy Metals Content of Sawah Soil in Relation to Land Management and Cultivation Intensity(International Symposium: Challenges to Soil Degradation Towards Sustaining Life and Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Univers