- 論文の詳細を見る
Five varieties of Soybeans one of which is larger grained than the others, were investigated as to their manure value and found : (1) By sowing the same volume of seeds in the same area and matured, a large grained variety contained much more N, P_2O_5,K_2O and also dry matter than the other per plant, but the crop as a whole, no marked difference was found among them and in some cases the fine grained varieties surpassed the other ; (2) The fine grained varieties contained more N, P_2O_5 and K_2O in their grains than the other but in their leaves, the reverse was true, and not much difference was found in the stems and pods ; (3) On an average, the leaves of these five varieties of beans contained 18% N, 8.3% P_2O_5 and 25% K_2O of the total elements contained in the plant, and since the bean plants shed their leaves on maturity, it is evident that these elements are returned to the soil ; (4) 20% or more of the organic matter of the bean plants is returned to the soil by the fallen leaves if the beans are harvested on maturity.
- 一般社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1934-03-20
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