水稲におけるケイ酸の生理学的研究 : 第11報 供給量を異にしたケイ酸が水稲生育におよぼす影響とケイ素の必須性について
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Experiment I. The increase in the growth of rice plants by the addition of silicic acid (SiO_2) of 0, 0.5 1, 5, 20, 100 and 300 ppm respectively, to the cultural solution was tested. In the case of lOO ppm or less, the higher in SiO_2 concentration, the greater in the dry weight of rice plants. While little or the differences were observed among the effects of the addition of SiO_2 of 0.5, 1 ppm and non-SiO_2 on the growth of rice plants. In this test it was recognized that the addition of SiO_2 from 50 to 10O ppm was suitable for the growth of rice plants. Experiment II. The essentiality of silicon to rice plants was discussed in this experiment which was carried out in 1967. The materials used were: distilled water which was passed through the ion exchange resins (Amberlite IR-120B and IRA-410); beakers, pipets and mess cylinders made of plastics, and other materials the same with those cited in the previous reports. 7'9) Hulled rice of "Norin No. 6" were sown and grown on the bed made of plastics. After transplanting them to the pots (made of vinyl chloride) the rice plants in non-SiO_2 plot were grown in the phytotron (regulated at about 30〜33℃ at daytime, but stopped to regulate at night). Sodium ions were eliminated by passing sodium silicate aqueous solution through ion excgange resin "Amberlite IR-120," and SiO_2 (100 ppm) was added to the cultural solution in control plot. To protect the rice plants in non-SiO_2 plot from adhesion of the drops pf guttation containing silicic acid coming from the rice plants in control plot, the latter were cultured in another place (glasshouse). The results obtained are as follows: Dry weights of the harvest are shown in Table 1, Ratio of dry weights of the harvest between non-SiO_2 plot and control plot was 91% per plant, and dbout 80% per panicle. Content and percentage of silicic acid absorbed in rice plants are shown in Table 2. The percentage of silicic acid content in the rice plants in non-SiO_2 plot showed so low as one figure down from the smallest value obtained up to now. The color of chaffs of the rice plants containing 0.0025% SiO_2 was of deeper dark-brown than that of the chaffs of rice plants containing O.O6% SiO_2, and the ripened grains of the former were smaller in size than those of the latter, but they were small. Little or no difference was observed among the growth of rice plants containing 0.13〜0.20% SiO_2. There was no any great and essential difference between the growth of rice ,plants containing O.2% SiO_2 and that of rice plants containing O.0025% SiO_2. From these facts, it might be concluded that silicon may not be regarded botanically as essential element to rice plants, but regarded as essential element to rice plants from agronomical viewpoint.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1970-06-28
- しや光下の水稲生育におよぼすケイ酸の影響
- 水稲におけるケイ酸の生理学的研究 : 第13報 ケイ酸が水稲の器官,組織の形成におよぼす影響
- 水稲におけるケイ酸の生理学的研究 : 第11報 供給量を異にしたケイ酸が水稲生育におよぼす影響とケイ素の必須性について
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- 水稲におけるケイ酸の生理学的研究 : 第9報 培養液の高・低温下でケイ酸が水稲の生育におよぼす影響
- 水稲におけるケイ酸の生理学的研究 : XVII 水稲の水分消費に及ぼすケイ酸の影響 (第143回講演会)
- 水稲におけるケイ酸の生理学的研究 : XIV. 水稲の光合成におよぼすケイ酸の影響 (第141回講演会)
- 水稲におけるケイ酸の生理学的研究 : XIII. 水稲の生育に及ぼすケイ酸の影響の品種間差異 (第141回講演会)
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究 : XI 根圏高温下で珪酸が水稲の生育に及ぼす影響 (第137回 講演会)
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究 : X. 珪酸供給量が水稲の生育におよぼす影響 (第136回 講演会)
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究 : VIII. 葉面吸収珪酸の水稲におよぼす影響
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究 : IX 根圏定温化での珪酸が水稲の生育におよぼす影響 (第135回 講演会)
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究 : VIII. 葉面吸収珪酸の水稲におよぼす影響 (第133回 講演会)
- 水稲葉による珪酸の吸収について : (予報) (第131回 講演会)
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究 : V 地下水位の異る場合の水稲に及ぼす珪酸の影響 (第121回 講演会)
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究 : II. 珪酸欠乏水稲の生育状況と無機栄養 (2)
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究 : IV. 珪酸の炭水化物代謝に及ぼす影響 (第117回 講演会)
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究 : II. 珪酸欠乏水稲の生育状況と無機栄養 (1) (第111回講演会)
- 水稲における珪酸の生理学的研究 : III. 時期別珪酸施与が水稲の生育に及ぼす影響