水稲生育におよぼす地温の研究 : 第2報 出穂におよぼす地温, 水温の影響
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This paper deals with the effects of soil and water temperatures upon the heading time and growth regulating substances in leaf sheath of rice plants. A variety named Norin No. 41 was used. The outline of each experiment and results obtained are as follows. 1) From the 6th leaf stage to the heading time, plants were placed in soil thermostats which were kept constantly at 30°, 25°, 20°and 15℃ respectively. In addition to these, a plot was subjected to 30℃ for the first ten days and then transferred to 15℃. Plants headed earlier as the soil temperature was held higher. A plot transferred to 15℃ after ten days treatment with 30°showed a rather striking promotion of heading as compared to 15°constant. 2) Plants were treated with different soil and water temperatures for 10 days at the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th leaf stages. The heading promotion was most conspicuous in the plot treated with 30℃, at the 6th leaf stage. The rate of leaf emergency was promoted strikingly by the higher temperatures, so that it resulted in the decreased leaf numbers on the main stem. 3) The growth regulating substances occuring in the top of plants treated were assayed by the Avena-test at periods from 6th to 12th leaf stage. The substances occured much more in quantity as the test temperature rose. This fact might be somewhat related to the heading promotion in the high temperature plots. Moreover the substances were diminished most remarkably at the 7th leaf stage.
- 1962-07-15
- 水稲生育におよぼす地温の研究 : 第3報 三要素および水分の吸収におよぼすageの差異ならびに地下部変温の影響
- 水稲生育におよぼす地温の研究 : 第2報 出穂におよぼす地温, 水温の影響
- 水稲生育に及ぼす地温の研究 : 第1報 生長調整物質の消長および窒素, 炭水化物代謝に及ぼす地温の影響 (1)