- 論文の詳細を見る
Studies carried out to fine the differences of effect of between pinching and transplanting upon soybean plants in relation to the plant variety and soil condition. The outline of the results obtained is as follows: 1. Effects of pinching and transplanting as related to the variety. By pinching or transplanting, flowering and fruiting in Imada variety (IVctype)were promoted and yield increased, but in Akazaga variety (IIIctype) inversed results were obtained. 2. Effect of pinching and transplanting as related to soil condition. Pinching or transplanting brought larger yields on alluvial soils (fertile and with moisture) and less yields on diluvial soils (sterile and dry) in Imada variety.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1952-12-20
- 代かき作業に関する研究 : (第5, 6報) 福井県に於ける水田整地作業の実態
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