麦の分けつ節の深さに関する研究 : 第1報 深播による地下部節間並に葉の伸長について
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1. The increase of the depth of sowing showed the decrease of the ratio of emergence to the amount of seeds sown and the degree of the decreasing was larger in barley than wheat. 2. The deep sowing mede the periods of the emergence of the leaves later. 3. The deep sowing made the length of the leaves and leaf sheaths longer, but these results owed to elongtion of the subcrown internodes, the actual lengths of the leaves being reduced. 4. The deep sowing gave remarkable restraint against tillering at lower nodes. 5. In case of the deep sowing over 5cm, it was found that the subcrown internode developed and the crown came up to the depth of 2-6cm.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1952-12-20
- 10 水稲苗に関する研究 : 第3報 水稲苗の形質におよぼす播種量と施肥量の影響
- 麦の分けつ節の深さに関する研究 : 第1報 深播による地下部節間並に葉の伸長について
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