日照時間の長短が二・三纖維作物の生育, 開花等に及ぼす影響に就て
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1. Since 1941, we have made experiments on the photopeiodism in several kinds of fibre crop plants, demonstrating that each of them might be classified into several groups according to their response to light exposure. 2. The kenaf plant (Hibiscus caunabinus L. ) is generally known as a short day plant. But, by our experiments, the effects of day length on it were found to vary according to its variety. 3. The colour of the stem and leaf of kenaf were conspicuously changed by shortening or lengthening the daily pcriod of illumination. The shape of the leaf blade, especially the number of its lobes, was also affected (Figs. 2-4). These facts may not only be of importance for crop scientific and breeding investigations of the plant, but also be interesting from genetical and ecological points of view. 4. Influence of day length and temperature on jute plant (Corcchorus eapsularis L. ) proved also various according to its variety. Its cultivation, however, may generally be restricted to the localities of lower latitudes. In the regions of hign latitudes, no varieties may produce seeds of complete maturation. 5. Chinese jute (Aburilon avicennae G. ) belongs to the short day group, but can bloom by somewhat longer daily illumination, being cultivable over fairly wide ranges of latititudes, provided with sufficiently high temperature. The Cultivation of the plant and retting and cleaning of the fibre are very simple. 6. Ramie (Boehmeria nivea H. et ARN. ) inverses in sex by day length control. When illuminated with short day, grows lower in the height like many other crop plants.
- 1944-09-30
- 日照時間の長短が二・三纖維作物の生育, 開花等に及ぼす影響に就て
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