三種の香料ゼラニウム (P. roseum, P. denticulatum, 種間戻雑種B_1 No.10) における収油率, 精油成分の時期的変動
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Pelargonium denticulatum had been the most popular of all Pelargonium species in Japan, but in 1954 three types of P. roseum, viz., varieties "Italy", "France" and "America", were introduced into Japan in the hope of obtaining better and more oil. P. roseum plants are more spreading and shrubby with vigorous growth than P. denticulatum, but the former is lower in yearly yield of oil per hectar. However, the oil of P. denticulatum is inferior to P. roseum in quality. B_1 No. 10 was newly grown by the back cross of P. roseum "France" and P. denticulatum. In the oil yield rate, B_1 No. 10 showed an intermediate value between P. roseum and P. denticulatum higher than P. roseum by 20-50 per cent, and also maintained a quite high oil yield in spring and late autumn seasons. Concerning the quality of extracted oil, B_1 No. 10 was not inferior to P. roseum. The main components of the oil being citronellol and geraniol, the components existed generally in a free state. As a result of examining in the variation of citronellol and geraniol by gaschromatography, it was found that there was seasonal variation. That is, when the oil contents of them both in early period of growth were compared, the percentage of geraniol showed a higher value, but as the temperature got higher in summer the percentage of geraniol decreased, and on the other hand the percentage of citronellol significantly increased. However, as the temperature got lower in the months of November and December, the percentage of citronellol decreased and that of gernaniol again increased. The optical rotation of essential oil was also high in the season of high temperature and low in the season of low temperature. This is probably due to the increase and decrease in percentage of 1-citronellol. We can conclude that the seasonal variation of the percentage of citronellol and geraniol is due to a biochemical oxidation-reduction reaction. It is considered that geraniol is changed into citronellol mainly by phytochemical reduction during summer season, and that the percentage of geraniol is increased by dehydrogenation in late autumn season. The quality of geranium oil greatly depends upon the proportion of content of geraniol and citronellol. It has been reported that the above mentioned proportion is defferent according to the producing land and species, but as described above, the phenomenon that the oil content percentage is significantly different in different seasons of oil extraction can not be overlooked.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1968-12-10
- 香料ゼラニウム油の物理・化学的性質の環境による変異 (第134回 講演会)
- 香料ゼラニウムの精油分泌機能に関する生理・生態学的研究 : 第11報 収油方法の改善に関する研究 : 第12報 収油率の人為的向上手段 : 収油率, 蒸散量, 葉温に及ぼすS.Gの効果
- 香料ゼラニウムの精油分泌機能に関する生理・生態学的研究
- 香料ゼラニウムの精油分泌機能に関する生理・生態学的研究
- 香料ゼラニウムの精油分泌機能に関する生理・生態学的研究 : (第1報)腺鱗分布密度と収油率の関係及びその種間差異について
- 香料ゼラニウムの精油分泌機能に関する生理・生態学的研究 : (第2報) 原料葉の乾燥が収油量及腺鱗分布密度に及ぼす影響 (第115回 講演会)
- 香料作物における精油分泌細胞の電子顕微鏡的観察-2-芳樟葉の精油分泌細胞について
- 13 香料用青シソ精油成分の生化学的変動
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- 香料用青シソの腺鱗分布と精油蓄積について
- 三種の香料ゼラニウム (P. roseum, P. denticulatum, 種間戻雑種B_1 No.10) における収油率, 精油成分の時期的変動
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- クラリセイジSalvia sclareaの精油含有組織について(第5回講演要旨)
- サツマイモの塊根における糖・アミノ酸のペーパークロマトグラフイ(第5回講演要旨)
- 香料ゼラニウムの適正収穫法に関する基礎研究
- 芳樟葉の精油含有組織と収油率について (第141回講演会)
- 香料用青シソの精油含量の消長とその環境について (第141回講演会)
- 香料ゼラニウムの精油分泌機能に関する生理・生態学的研究 : 第14報 香料ゼラニウムの越冬状態とその微細気象的環境
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- 香料ゼラニウムの精油分泌機能に関する生理・生態学的研究 : 第6報 種間及び品種間特性
- 香料ゼラニウムの精油分泌機能に関する生理生・生態学的研究 : 第5報 収油率の日変化とその微細気象的環境
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